"What we get from this adventure is sheer joy." -George Mallory

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Worst. Blogger. Ever.

I am seriously the worst blogger ever. But, two little kids plus a full time teaching job doesn't leave much time for anything, much less blogging. These are pictures from a shoot we did with www.amyjophotography.com in November.  She is amazing!

I'm going to try and catch up and share photos I've taken and memories we've made over the last 9 months because, wow, I have some cute, funny kids! ;)

This next photo is a little piece of chalk art I did yesterday while watching the kiddies play outside. It was oddly relaxing.

Monday, August 8, 2011

3 Month Update

I can't believe I haven't updated my blog in 3 months! Actually, I can believe it. Life with an infant and a 2 1/2 year old is BUSY! Right now Kaylin is watching her morning "toons" and Liam is asleep on the Boppy in my lap. :)

Liam is growing like a weed! He's in size 2 diapers and is wearing 3-6 month clothes. He eats like a champ and sleeps pretty good. He's still co-sleeping but we hope to move him into his crib for nighttime sleep soon. It's just so easy to nurse him and go right back to sleep. (I'm determined not to have him in our bed when he's 2 like Kaylin!) He rolled over from belly to back yesterday for the first time! It took him a minute, but he finally got all the way over. He enjoys sitting up straight and is trying out sitting in the Bumbo seat. He is not a fan of his car seat, unfortunately. He has a well baby appointment this month, so I'll be sure and post his weight and height.

Kaylin is doing great, too. She's fiercely independent right now. I know that goes with the territory at the age, and I do my best to be patient and accommodating. But, to be honest, sometimes I just want to do whatever it is myself just to get it done - especially if Liam is fussing and needs something. She's been really funny and imaginative lately. She'll tell me, "Good idea, Mama" when I suggest something she likes. (painting, going outside, etc) She regularly takes baths with Mickey and Minnie and calls Daisy on the phone. She'll hold her phone to her ear and say, "Yeah...yeah....yeah...bye bye Daisy." She's sleeping great - we read books, say goodnight, and she goes to sleep on her own. She hasn't figured out that she can get out of the bed on her own, so when she wakes up in the morning, she just calls for me. We're still working on potty training. She'll sit on the potty occasionally, but hasn't show much interest since Liam arrived. I'm tempted to try a weekend in big girl panties. Potty training is kind of difficult with a baby to care for, though. Can't exactly get up and sprint to the potty while breastfeeding!

I will post pictures soon. My camera has a ton of pictures on it, but something goes wrong every time I try to download. Seriously frustrating.

Little man's up. Gotta run!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Welcome to the world, Liam!

Baby Liam decided to join us on April 26th at 3:16pm. The labor was pretty quick - my water broke at home at 6:30am and he was here less than 9 hours later. (much different than Kaylin's marathon labor!) He weighed 7lbs,7oz and was 20.5 in long. He also has a full head of reddish/brownish hair! He's a very easy going, laid-back baby. He really doesn't fuss unless you're doing something to him - changing or bathing, usually. And he's taken very well to nursing - yay!

Kaylin is adjusting well. I will never forget how her face lit up when she saw Liam for the first time. It was priceless! She said, "Baby, out!" :) She likes watching us take care of brother, and usually pulls up a stool so she has a better view. She likes to rub his face and head and says, "Hi baby brother!" all the time. Sometimes it's, "Hi brother, baby!" which is even cuter. She's had a few small meltdowns ("MY paci!!") but it's usually when she's really tired.

Speaking of tired, she was up at 5am, so I need to get her down for a nap. Liam is sleeping peacefully in his bassinet. :)

(before serious contractions began!)

TWO sleeping babies!

(hospital photographer took the ones below...)

Friday, April 22, 2011

For Kaylin

My sweet girl,

These are your last few days as an only child. I know you don't know what that means or how your life is about to change, just take my word for it that it is. Not that it's going to be bad, it's just going to be different. You have been the center of my universe for 2 years and I have enjoyed every second of it. I am soaking up every last minute of you having my undivided attention. If I'm being honest, I'm a little nervous about sharing myself with your little brother. Will both of you get enough attention? Will I be able to keep up with a newborn and a toddler? I'm also nervous about how you will adjust to having a little brother. You are such a mama's girl that I'm afraid you'll be really jealous of him and think you aren't important anymore. I promise to do my best to show you that you are.

As nervous as I am about adjusting to life with our new addition, I am so excited to see what kind of big sister you will be. You are such a sweet, caring little girl. Sometimes you'll lift up my shirt and give brother hugs and kisses. Recently you started patting my belly and saying, "Baby brother... hold you." It makes my heart melt. I watch you play with your dolls - replacing their pacifiers and hugging them when they cry - and I can't wait to see you do the same for your little brother. It'll be a while before you can really play with Liam, but I can already see it in my head, and it's fantastic.



Thursday, April 21, 2011

New Blog Name

Now that we are adding another one to our family, I need a new blog name. I've been trying to think of something cute but haven't been able to come up with anything. We'll see...

Friday, April 8, 2011


It's been a looong time since I've posted. (obviously, right?) A lot has happened and I know I won't have the time to explain using the right words. But, I guess the CliffsNotes version is that my dad passed away unexpectedly on April 1st from a very, very short battle with esophageal cancer. Thankfully, we spent the previous weekend in Pensacola and got to spend some quality time together. He got to play with Kaylin - that was such a blessing to see. We went back the following Thursday to say good bye and buried him on April 5th (a day before his birthday) at Barrancas National Cemetery with my mom. It was a beautiful service and I will never, ever forget accepting the flag that had been draped over his casket.

I am 37 weeks pregnant now, which means I will have baby Liam any time now.

Gotta run, mini me is ready to play....

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Snow Week 2011

Soooo... the snow stayed around for a full week! School was cancelled ALL WEEK! Kaylin and I did not leave the house from Saturday night until Thursday night. While it was nice to spend so much time with my sweet girl, we were both going a little stir crazy by the end of it!

Here are some more pictures....